- Company Overview for MCP OUTSOURCED SERVICES LLP (OC327436)
- Filing history for MCP OUTSOURCED SERVICES LLP (OC327436)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed james johnson | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed william john genney | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed gary blyth | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed carl jennings | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed stuart abbott | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed keir hampson | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed anthony martin henry | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed james rothenburg | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed craig roberts | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed paul grindrod | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed danny else | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed gareth crotty | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed stephen george brown | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed keith spooner | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed mark ballard | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed james brown | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed dean boon | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed wayne playford | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed phillip perrin | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed peter james nicholls | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed neil reid | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed gavin snell | |
20 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed ashley paton | |
14 May 2008 | LLP288a | LLP member appointed nigel feeley | |
28 Apr 2008 | LLP225 | Prevsho from 30/04/2008 to 31/03/2008 |