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Company number OC402087

Persons with significant control: 2 active persons with significant control / 0 active statements

Bridges Fund Management Limited Active

Correspondence address
38 Seymour Street, London, England, W1H 7BP
Notified on
1 March 2017
Governing law
Legal form
Place registered
Companies House
Registration number
Incorporated in
England And Wales
Nature of control
Has significant influence or control

Bridges Property Alternatives Fund Iii (General Partner) Llp Active

Correspondence address
38 Seymour Street, Seymour Street, London, England, W1H 7BP
Notified on
6 April 2016
Governing law
Legal form
Place registered
Companies House
Registration number
Incorporated in
England And Wales
Nature of control
Right to surplus assets - 75% or more as a member of a firm

Bridges Ventures Llp Ceased

Correspondence address
38 Seymour Street, London, England, W1H 7BP
Notified on
6 April 2016
Ceased on
1 March 2017
Governing law
Legal form
Place registered
Companies House
Registration number
Incorporated in
Engalnd And Wales
Nature of control
Has significant influence or control