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Company number OC415611

Mr Julian Michael Benkert Active

Correspondence address
34 Dover Street, London, United Kingdom, W1S 4NG
Notified on
25 January 2017
Date of birth
23 July 1968
Nature of control
The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the voting rights in the LLP.
The person holds or is treated as holding, directly or indirectly, the right to share in more than 25% but not more than 50% of any surplus assets of the LLP on a winding up.
The person holds the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the members who are entitled to take part in the management of an LLP.
Country of residence
United Kingdom

Mr Tom White Active

Correspondence address
34 Dover Street, London, England, W1S 4NG
Notified on
25 January 2017
Date of birth
20 April 1976
Nature of control
The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the voting rights in the LLP.
The person holds or is treated as holding, directly or indirectly, the right to share in more than 25% but not more than 50% of any surplus assets of the LLP on a winding up.
The person holds the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the members who are entitled to take part in the management of an LLP.
Country of residence

Mr Thomas James White Ceased

Correspondence address
34 Dover Street, London, United Kingdom, W1S 4NG
Notified on
25 January 2017
Ceased on
30 January 2017
Date of birth
20 April 1976
Nature of control
The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the voting rights in the LLP.
The person holds or is treated as holding, directly or indirectly, the right to share in more than 25% but not more than 50% of any surplus assets of the LLP on a winding up.
The person holds the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the members who are entitled to take part in the management of an LLP.
Country of residence
United Kingdom