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Company number R0000411

2 Insolvency cases

Case number 2 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
23 June 2015
Dissolved on
15 April 2016
Proposed Practitioner
Michael Paul Jennings
Bdo Lindsay House, 10 Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5BN
Appointed on
23 June 2015
Proposed Practitioner
Brian Murphy
Bdo Lindsay House, 10 Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5BN
Appointed on
23 June 2015

Case number 1 — In administration

Administration started
4 April 2012
Administration ended
23 June 2015
Michael H Jennings
Lindsay House 10 Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5BN
Ceased to act
23 June 2015
Brian Murphy
Bdo Lindsay House, 10 Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5BN
Ceased to act
23 June 2015