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Company number SC027389

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27 Jan 1989 MISC PUC2 allots 191288 1395X25PA'ord
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 117,690 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 4,568 x 25P ord
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 31,888 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 11,523 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 30,368 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 134,460 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 44,218 x 25P ord a
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24 Jan 1989 MISC Puc 2 160189 8640 x 25P ord a
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23 Sep 1988 288 New director appointed
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10 Aug 1988 MISC PUC2 1384@25P ord 150788
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Request DocumentPUC2 1384@25P ord 150788
09 Aug 1988 190 Location of debenture register
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05 Aug 1988 353 Location of register of members
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Request DocumentLocation of register of members
02 Aug 1988 363 Return made up to 02/06/88; bulk list available separately
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Request DocumentReturn made up to 02/06/88; bulk list available separately
02 Aug 1988 AA Full accounts made up to 27 December 1987
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 27 December 1987
07 Jun 1988 288 Director resigned
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27 May 1988 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES10 ‐ Special resolution of allotment of securities
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27 May 1988 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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18 May 1988 288 New director appointed
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Request DocumentNew director appointed
11 May 1988 MISC PUC2 allots 300388 626X25P ord
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Request DocumentPUC2 allots 300388 626X25P ord
04 May 1988 MISC Puc 2 250488 94152 x 25P ord b
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01 Feb 1988 MISC PUC2(131087)954877X25P var. ->
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12 Jan 1988 MISC PUC2 allots 181287 654X25P ord
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23 Dec 1987 MISC PUC2 allots 121087 4811102X25POR
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18 Dec 1987 OC138 Reduction of iss capital and minute (oc)
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Request DocumentReduction of iss capital and minute (oc)