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Company number SC031286

Charge code SC03 1286 0062

22 December 2020
24 December 2020
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Grange Estates (Newbattle) Limited

Brief description

All and whole (in the first place) the subjects at lingerwood. Farm, midlothian shown (1) coloured blue on plan 1 annexed and signed as relative to the standard security,(2). Coloured light green and labelled “area 2” on plan 2 annexed and signed as relative to the standard security,(3). Coloured grey on plan 3 annexed and signed as relative to the standard security; (4) coloured blue on plan 4. annexed and signed as relative to the standard security; (5) coloured red on plan 5 annexed and signed as relative. To the standard security; (6) coloured (a) pink (b) pink and hatched blue, (c) pink and cross hatched blue, and (d). Pink and hatched green, all on plan 6 annexed and signed as relative to the standard security; which subjects are. Part and portion of all and whole (first) the subjects more particularly described in and. Disponed (second) and (fourth) by disposition by the 12TH marquess of lothian in favour of the. Trustees of the 12TH marquess of lothian recorded in the division of the general register of. Sasine for the county of midlothian on eighteenth january, nineteen hundred and ninety one;. (Second) the subjects more particularly described in and disponed by disposition by marquess of. Lothian and lord ralph william francis joseph kerr in favour of grange estates (newbattle). Limited recorded in the said division of the general register of sasines on ninth september,. Nineteen hundred and ninety eight; (third) the subjects described in and disponed by. Disposition by the most honourable peter francis walter kerr in favour of lord ralph william. Francis walter kerr recorded in the division of the general register of sasine for the county of. Midlothian on thirtieth june nineteen hundred and ninety seven; (in the second place) all and. Whole the subjects known as the common wood, gowkshill, gorebridge being the subjects. Registered in the land register of scotland under title number MID81439; and (in the third. Place) part and portion of all and whole the subjects lying to the south of mayfield industrial. Estate, newbattle being the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title. Number MID76269.
Contains negative pledge.