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Company number SC037338

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
20 Apr 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 4479
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20 Apr 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 4478
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 4478
21 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 3276
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21 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 3275
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21 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 3274
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21 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 3273
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09 Mar 1989 419a(Scot) Dec mort/charge 2792
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 2792
03 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 2549
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 2549
03 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 2548
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03 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 2547
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 2547
03 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 2546
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 2546
03 Mar 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 2545
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 2545
11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 281
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 281
11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 280
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 279
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 278
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 277
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 276
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 275
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11 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 274
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06 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 135
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06 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 134
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06 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 133
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 133
06 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 132
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06 Jan 1989 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 131
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 131