- Company Overview for BARRATT WEST SCOTLAND LIMITED (SC037338)
- Filing history for BARRATT WEST SCOTLAND LIMITED (SC037338)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
06 Jan 1989 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 130
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06 Jan 1989 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 129
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06 Jan 1989 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 128
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06 Jan 1989 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 127
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 127 |
16 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12749
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 12749 |
13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12589
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12588
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12587
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12586
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12585
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12584
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12583
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12582
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12581
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13 Dec 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12580
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05 Dec 1988 | 363 |
Return made up to 04/11/88; full list of members
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
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05 Dec 1988 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 June 1988 | |
03 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7849
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03 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7848
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7848 |
03 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7847
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7847 |
03 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7846
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7846 |
03 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7845
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7845 |
02 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7802
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7802 |
02 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7801
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7801 |
02 Aug 1988 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7800
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7800 |