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Company number SC037338

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11759
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01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11754
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 11754
01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11753
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 11753
01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11750
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 11750
01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11752
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01 Oct 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 11751
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16 May 1991 MEM/ARTS Memorandum and Articles of Association
15 May 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 5531
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15 May 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 5530
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15 May 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 5529
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13 May 1991 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • ERES01 ‐ Extraordinary resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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31 Jan 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 1247
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 1247
31 Jan 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 1245
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31 Jan 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 1246
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30 Jan 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 1175
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 1175
30 Jan 1991 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 1174
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04 Jan 1991 AA Full accounts made up to 30 June 1990
04 Jan 1991 363 Return made up to 18/12/90; full list of members
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02 Nov 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 12290
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03 Oct 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 10978
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18 Sep 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 10299
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 10299
12 Sep 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 10060
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12 Sep 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 10059
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13 Jul 1990 288 New director appointed
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06 Jul 1990 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge 7348
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