- Company Overview for GRAEME P. CHATHAM (WEST) LIMITED (SC049733)
- Filing history for GRAEME P. CHATHAM (WEST) LIMITED (SC049733)
- People for GRAEME P. CHATHAM (WEST) LIMITED (SC049733)
- Charges for GRAEME P. CHATHAM (WEST) LIMITED (SC049733)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
02 Dec 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 14317
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02 Dec 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 14316
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 14316 |
02 Dec 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 14314
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28 Nov 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 14214
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18 Nov 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 13754
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23 Oct 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12625
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23 Oct 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 12626
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06 Sep 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 10203
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02 Sep 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 9796
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02 Sep 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 9795
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 9795 |
02 Sep 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 9794
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 9794 |
16 Jul 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7914
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7914 |
08 Jul 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7630
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 7630 |
28 Jun 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7200
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28 Jun 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 7198
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24 May 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 5903
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24 May 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 5880
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07 May 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 5155
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07 May 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 5150
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 5150 |
01 May 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 4955
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 4955 |
01 May 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 4956
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 4956 |
01 May 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 4957
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 4957 |
01 May 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 4958
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 4958 |
01 May 1991 | 410(Scot) |
Partic of mort/charge 4934
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Request DocumentPartic of mort/charge 4934 |
08 Apr 1991 | 419a(Scot) |
Dec mort/charge 3958
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Request DocumentDec mort/charge 3958 |