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Company number SC106596

Charge code SC10 6596 0018

27 April 2020
28 April 2020
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Bmw Financial Services (GB) Limited

Brief description

All and whole that plot or area of ground at kings cross road, dundee shown tinted blue on the plan annexed and signed as relative to the standard security, which subjects form part and portion of the subjects known as plot c, extending to 1.72 hectares or thereby at kings cross road, dundee, coloured red and labelled “plot c” on the plan annexed to the disposition by dundee city council in favour of john clark (properties) limited dated 21 february 2018 (“plot c”), declaring that the boundary of plot c on or towards the south-west is the mid point of a stone wall which extends 149.5 metres or thereby, which plot c forms part and portion of the subjects currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland under title number ANG79001.
Contains negative pledge.