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Company number SC111467

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
12 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES13 ‐ Special resolution
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12 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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12 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES11 ‐ Special resolution of removal of pre-emption rights
12 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES10 ‐ Special resolution of allotment of securities
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12 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES04 ‐ Special resolution of increasing authorised share capital
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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09 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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08 Feb 1993 155(6)b Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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08 Feb 1993 155(6)b Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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Request DocumentDeclaration of assistance for shares acquisition
08 Feb 1993 155(6)b Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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Request DocumentDeclaration of assistance for shares acquisition
08 Feb 1993 155(6)b Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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Request DocumentDeclaration of assistance for shares acquisition
08 Feb 1993 155(6)b Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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Request DocumentDeclaration of assistance for shares acquisition
08 Feb 1993 155(6)a Declaration of assistance for shares acquisition
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08 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES13 ‐ Special resolution
08 Feb 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of alteration of Memorandum of Association
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03 Feb 1993 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
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28 Jan 1993 CERT10 Certificate of re-registration from Public Limited Company to Private
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Request DocumentCertificate of re-registration from Public Limited Company to Private
28 Jan 1993 MAR Re-registration of Memorandum and Articles
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
Request DocumentRe-registration of Memorandum and Articles
28 Jan 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES02 ‐ Special resolution of re-registration
28 Jan 1993 RESOLUTIONS Resolutions
  • SRES01 ‐ Special resolution of adoption of Memorandum of Association
This document is not currently available online. You can request to add the document to the company's filing history, which costs £3.
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