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Company number SC152247

2 Insolvency cases

The law requires some Scottish company and LLP insolvency documents be filed with the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AIB). Find further details at AIB's register of insolvent companies

Case number 2 — Receiver (Scotland) appointed

Instrument date
30 January 2003
Joseph Peter Francis Mclean
Grant Thornton, Earl Grey House, 75-85 Grey Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6EF
Appointed on
1 November 2004
Ceased to act
13 April 2006
Robert Caven
95 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 7JZ
Appointed on
1 November 2004
Ceased to act
13 April 2006

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Case number 1 — Compulsory liquidation

Petition date
15 November 2004
Commencement of winding up
15 November 2004
Conclusion of winding up
2 October 2014
Dissolved on
6 January 2015
Ian William Wright
403 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, AB10 7GS