- Company Overview for WE ARE BUSINESS TRANSFORMERS LTD (SC176752)
- Filing history for WE ARE BUSINESS TRANSFORMERS LTD (SC176752)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
20 Jun 2005 | 288c | Director's particulars changed | |
03 Aug 2004 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 30 April 2004 | |
21 Jul 2004 | CERTNM | Company name changed martin robertson associates (boo kkeeping) LTD.\certificate issued on 21/07/04 | |
06 May 2004 | 363s |
Return made up to 30/04/04; full list of members
12 Mar 2004 | 287 | Registered office changed on 12/03/04 from: fleming house 134 renfrew street glasgow G3 6ST | |
19 Jul 2003 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 30 April 2003 | |
21 Jun 2003 | 363s |
Return made up to 30/04/03; full list of members
12 Feb 2003 | AA | Total exemption small company accounts made up to 30 April 2002 | |
19 Dec 2002 | CERTNM | Company name changed martin robertson associates LTD.\certificate issued on 19/12/02 | |
13 Dec 2002 | 287 | Registered office changed on 13/12/02 from: millbrae house, 222 ayr road newton mearns glasgow lanarkshire G77 6DR | |
17 Apr 2002 | 363s | Return made up to 30/04/02; full list of members | |
07 Aug 2001 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2001 | |
03 May 2001 | 363s | Return made up to 30/04/01; full list of members | |
16 Feb 2001 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2000 | |
26 May 2000 | 363s | Return made up to 30/04/00; full list of members | |
06 Mar 2000 | AA | Accounts for a small company made up to 30 April 1999 | |
18 Nov 1999 | 287 | Registered office changed on 18/11/99 from: 233A clarkston road glasgow G44 3DS | |
04 May 1999 | 363s | Return made up to 30/04/99; full list of members | |
13 Apr 1999 | AA | Full accounts made up to 30 June 1998 | |
27 Aug 1998 | CERTNM | Company name changed gs harris technical services LTD .\certificate issued on 28/08/98 | |
24 Aug 1998 | 363b | Return made up to 26/06/98; full list of members | |
24 Aug 1998 | 225 | Accounting reference date shortened from 30/06/99 to 30/04/99 | |
10 Aug 1998 | 288a | New secretary appointed | |
10 Aug 1998 | 288a | New director appointed | |
10 Aug 1998 | 88(2)R | Ad 01/07/98--------- £ si 99@1=99 £ ic 1/100 |