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Company number SC181667

Charge code SC18 1667 0005

24 September 2014
1 October 2014
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Barclays Bank PLC

Brief description

(In the first place) all and whole that area or piece of ground at 35 to 37 assembly street, edinburgh being the subjects more particularly described in, disponed by and outlined in red on the plan annexed and signed as relative to disposition by hastie & company (edinburgh) limited in favour of the right honourable neil archibald primrose, 7TH earl of rosebery and midlothian dated 14 september and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines applicable to the county of midlothian on 18 september both days of 1987 but excepting therefrom the staircase shown outlined and hatched black on the said plan together with (one) the whole buildings and erections on the said area or piece of ground excepting the said staircase, (two) the solum of the said area or piece of ground and a right in common to the solum of the said staircase, (three) the parts, privileges and pertinents and (four) the whole fittings and fixtures in and upon the the said area or piece of ground together also with a heritable and irredeemable servitude right of access and egress over the access lane and yard partially covered at the south west end of the said area or piece of ground for the purposes of maintenance and repair of the said area or piece of ground and the services located in the said lane and (in the second place) all and whole the garage and office premises number 39 and 41 assembly street, edinburgh erected on the subjects more particularly described in the disposition granted by macdonald greenlees limited in favour of mrs annie brown mcintyre or watt dated 13 may and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines applicable to the county of edinburgh (now midlothian) on the 16 may both days of 1929 together with (one) the whole buildings erected thereon and the front courtyard effeiring thereto; and (two) the fittings and fixtures and servitude rights of access, uses, parts, privileges and pertinents pertaining thereto.
Contains negative pledge.