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Company number SC263114

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Date (document was filed at Companies House) Type Description (of the document filed at Companies House) View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window)
28 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
28 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
28 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
21 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
21 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 May 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
02 May 2004 88(2)R Ad 20/02/04--------- £ si 99@1=99 £ ic 1/100
02 Apr 2004 410(Scot) Partic of mort/charge *
18 Mar 2004 288c Secretary's particulars changed;director's particulars changed
18 Mar 2004 288c Secretary's particulars changed;director's particulars changed
18 Mar 2004 287 Registered office changed on 18/03/04 from: 2 aitken den, letham grange arbroath aungus DD11 4QS
11 Mar 2004 288a New secretary appointed;new director appointed
11 Mar 2004 288a New director appointed
11 Mar 2004 287 Registered office changed on 11/03/04 from: 24 great king street edinburgh midlothian EH3 6QN