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Company number SC276918

Assignation in security

25 April 2006
4 May 2006
Satisfied on 9 November 2016
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (410)
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Persons entitled

  • Clydesdale Bank Public Limited Company

Amount secured

All sums due or to become due

Short particulars

All the rights, titles, benefits and interests, whether present or future, of the company in and to the contract and all rights and monies deriving therefrom and due thereafter including the right to receive the same and the full benefit of any guarantee or security for the performance thereof now or at any time hereafter given together with all claims, actions and damages arising in connection therewith and any proceeds of the foregoing.

Additional transactions filed against this charge

Additional transactions filed against this charge (PDF links open in a new window)
Type(of transaction) Delivered(to Companies House on this date) View / Download(PDF file, link opens in new window)
Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) 9 November 2016 View PDF for Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) (4 pages)