- Company Overview for BRAND 1602 LIMITED (SC337483)
- Filing history for BRAND 1602 LIMITED (SC337483)
- People for BRAND 1602 LIMITED (SC337483)
- More for BRAND 1602 LIMITED (SC337483)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
14 Jan 2011 | GAZ2 | Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-off | |
24 Sep 2010 | GAZ1 | First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off | |
09 Jun 2010 | AR01 |
Annual return made up to 8 February 2010
Statement of capital on 2010-06-09
13 May 2009 | 88(2) | Ad 28/04/09 gbp si 3864@1=3864 gbp ic 291700/295564 | |
13 May 2009 | 88(2) | Ad 31/03/09 gbp si 69430@1=69430 gbp ic 222270/291700 | |
13 May 2009 | 123 | Nc inc already adjusted 27/03/09 | |
13 May 2009 | RESOLUTIONS |
06 May 2009 | 363a | Return made up to 08/02/09; full list of members | |
06 May 2009 | 288c | Director's Change of Particulars / simon coyle / 26/06/2008 / HouseName/Number was: , now: 28; Street was: flat 58 100 cowcaddens road, now: chamberlain road; Post Code was: G4 0HL, now: G13 1QE; Country was: , now: united kingdom; Occupation was: management accountant, now: company director | |
10 Feb 2009 | 288b | Appointment Terminated Director grant mcleod | |
09 Jul 2008 | 287 | Registered office changed on 09/07/2008 from 3RD floor 113 west regent street glasgow G2 2RU | |
29 May 2008 | 288a | Director appointed brian johnston | |
28 May 2008 | SA | Statement of affairs | |
28 May 2008 | 88(2) | Ad 08/05/08 gbp si 19957@1=19957 gbp ic 202313/222270 | |
28 May 2008 | SA | Statement of affairs | |
28 May 2008 | 88(2) | Ad 08/05/08 gbp si 190613@1=190613 gbp ic 11700/202313 | |
20 May 2008 | 88(2) | Ad 08/05/08 gbp si 11699@1=11699 gbp ic 1/11700 | |
20 May 2008 | 123 | Nc inc already adjusted 07/05/08 | |
20 May 2008 | RESOLUTIONS |
20 May 2008 | 225 | Accounting reference date shortened from 28/02/2009 to 31/12/2008 | |
20 May 2008 | 287 | Registered office changed on 20/05/2008 from 4TH floor, saltire court 20 castle terrace edinburgh lothian EH1 2EN | |
20 May 2008 | 288b | Appointment Terminated Director D.W. director 1 LIMITED | |
20 May 2008 | 288a | Director appointed jacqueline wynne | |
20 May 2008 | 288a | Director appointed grant harrison mcleod | |
20 May 2008 | 288a | Director appointed simon coyle |