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Company number SF000300

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05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed charles james payan dawnay symington house by biggar biggar ML12 6YV
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed charles james payan dawnay symington house by biggar biggar ML12 6YV
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed william stewart coghill 30B cluny gardens edinburgh EH10 6BJ
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed william stewart coghill 30B cluny gardens edinburgh EH10 6BJ
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 pr appointed eric david mcauslan 11 corstorphine hill avenue edinburgh EH12 6FL
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Request DocumentBR002575 pr appointed eric david mcauslan 11 corstorphine hill avenue edinburgh EH12 6FL
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 pr appointed timothy julian dalton hall 17 coltbridge avenue edinburgh EH12 6AF
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Request DocumentBR002575 pr appointed timothy julian dalton hall 17 coltbridge avenue edinburgh EH12 6AF
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 pa appointed tristan mark murray clube 39 ravelston dykes road edinburgh EH4 3PA
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Request DocumentBR002575 pa appointed tristan mark murray clube 39 ravelston dykes road edinburgh EH4 3PA
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed james grant wilson 28 india street edinburgh EH3 3HB
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed james grant wilson 28 india street edinburgh EH3 3HB
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed michael william thomas mount lothian eskbank EH22 3AN
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed michael william thomas mount lothian eskbank EH22 3AN
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed patrick joseph scott plummer mainhouse kelso TD5 7AX
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed patrick joseph scott plummer mainhouse kelso TD5 7AX
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed michael john gibson 9 belgrave crescent edinburgh EH4 3AH
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed michael john gibson 9 belgrave crescent edinburgh EH4 3AH
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed james keith ross felconer braehead house braehead drive barnton edinburgh EH4 6QW
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed james keith ross felconer braehead house braehead drive barnton edinburgh EH4 6QW
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed james macgregor ayton fairweathe r grafton lodge 47A hopetoun terrace gullane EH31 2DD
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed james macgregor ayton fairweathe r grafton lodge 47A hopetoun terrace gullane EH31 2DD
05 Aug 1994 BR1-PAR BR002575 par appointed william michael clifford kennedy oak lodge inveresk musselburgh EH21 7TE
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Request DocumentBR002575 par appointed william michael clifford kennedy oak lodge inveresk musselburgh EH21 7TE
05 Aug 1994 BR1-BCH BR002575 registered
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Request DocumentBR002575 registered
05 Aug 1994 BR1 Initial branch registration
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Request DocumentInitial branch registration
08 Mar 1994 AA Full accounts made up to 30 September 1993
14 Oct 1993 692(1)(b) New director appointed
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Request DocumentNew director appointed
03 Jun 1993 MISC 288 resign marianne laing hay
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Request Document288 resign marianne laing hay
07 May 1993 MISC 6921B appt dir 220493
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Request Document6921B appt dir 220493
08 Mar 1993 MISC Appointment of director 240293
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Request DocumentAppointment of director 240293
08 Mar 1993 MISC Appointment of director 240293
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Request DocumentAppointment of director 240293
25 Feb 1993 AA Full accounts made up to 30 September 1992
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Request DocumentFull accounts made up to 30 September 1992
07 Jan 1993 MISC 6921B
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Request Document6921B
06 Jan 1993 MISC Form 692(1)(c) change of address
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Request DocumentForm 692(1)(c) change of address
12 Oct 1992 MISC D l skinner res as dir 300992
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Request DocumentD l skinner res as dir 300992
13 May 1992 MISC 6921B app.director 240492
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Request Document6921B app.director 240492