Company number 02922588
- Company Overview for IT'S A LUV THANG PRODUCTIONS LIMITED (02922588)
- Filing history for IT'S A LUV THANG PRODUCTIONS LIMITED (02922588)
Date (document was filed at Companies House) | Type | Description (of the document filed at Companies House) | View / Download (PDF file, link opens in new window) |
13 Dec 2015 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2015 | |
26 May 2015 | AR01 |
Annual return made up to 25 April 2015 with full list of shareholders
Statement of capital on 2015-05-26
14 Mar 2015 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from 13 Station Road London N3 2SB England to Gadd House Arcadia Avenue London N3 2JU on 14 March 2015 | |
27 Jan 2015 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2014 | |
18 Jun 2014 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from 30 Hatherop Road Hampton Middlesex TW12 2RH on 18 June 2014 | |
15 May 2014 | AR01 |
Annual return made up to 25 April 2014 with full list of shareholders
Statement of capital on 2014-05-15
20 Dec 2013 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2013 | |
31 May 2013 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 25 April 2013 with full list of shareholders | |
31 May 2013 | AD01 | Registered office address changed from 42-48 Charlbert Street St Johns Wood London NW8 7BU on 31 May 2013 | |
23 Jan 2013 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2012 | |
15 May 2012 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 25 April 2012 with full list of shareholders | |
17 Jan 2012 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2011 | |
13 May 2011 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 25 April 2011 with full list of shareholders | |
06 Jan 2011 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2010 | |
28 May 2010 | AR01 | Annual return made up to 25 April 2010 with full list of shareholders | |
04 Feb 2010 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2009 | |
08 May 2009 | 363a | Return made up to 25/04/09; full list of members | |
30 Jan 2009 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2008 | |
12 May 2008 | 363a | Return made up to 25/04/08; full list of members | |
05 Feb 2008 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2007 | |
08 May 2007 | 363a | Return made up to 25/04/07; full list of members | |
26 Feb 2007 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2006 | |
08 May 2006 | 363a | Return made up to 25/04/06; full list of members | |
27 Feb 2006 | AA | Accounts for a dormant company made up to 30 April 2005 | |
16 May 2005 | 363s | Return made up to 25/04/05; full list of members |