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Company number 06316455

2 Insolvency cases

Case number 2 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
24 August 2016
Dissolved on
12 March 2019
Joanne Louise Hammond
Begbies Traynor (Sy) Llp Kendal House, 41 Scotland Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7BS
Appointed on
24 August 2016
Gareth David Rusling
Kendal House 41 Scotland Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7BS
Appointed on
24 August 2016
Proposed Practitioner
Gareth David Rusling
Kendal House 41 Scotland Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7BS
Appointed on
24 August 2016
Proposed Practitioner
Joanne Louise Hammond
Begbies Traynor (Sy) Llp Kendal House, 41 Scotland Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7BS
Appointed on
24 August 2016

Case number 1 — In administration

Administration started
27 August 2015
Administration ended
24 August 2016
Gareth David Rusling
Kendal House 41 Scotland Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 7BS
Ceased to act
24 August 2016
Joanne Louise Hammond
93 Queen Street, Sheffield, S1 1WF
Ceased to act
24 August 2016