- Company Overview for LAZZARD INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (10811172)
- Filing history for LAZZARD INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (10811172)
- People for LAZZARD INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (10811172)
- Registers for LAZZARD INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (10811172)
- More for LAZZARD INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (10811172)
Officers: 2 officers / 0 resignations
- Correspondence address
- 32 Brighton Road, Redhill, England, RH1 5BX
- Role
- Secretary
- Appointed on
- 9 June 2017
Registered in a European Economic Area What's this?
- Place registered
- Registration number
- 9294914
LI, Fu Ren
- Correspondence address
- 32 Brighton Road, Invcc Centre, Redhill, England, RH1 5BX
- Role
- Director
- Date of birth
- November 1955
- Appointed on
- 9 June 2017
- Nationality
- Chinese
- Country of residence
- China
- Occupation
- Merchant