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Company number SC249414

2 Insolvency cases

The law requires some Scottish company and LLP insolvency documents be filed with the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AIB). Find further details at AIB's register of insolvent companies

Case number 6 — Creditors voluntary liquidation

Commencement of winding up
21 August 2008
Dissolved on
17 March 2019
Lisa Jane Hogg
Wilson Field Limited The Manor House, 260 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PS
Appointed on
21 August 2008
David James Elliot
Wilson Field, The Annexe, The Manor House, 260 Eccleshall Road South Sheffield, S11 9PS
Appointed on
21 August 2008
Ceased to act
5 February 2012

Case number 5 — In administration

Administration started
12 March 2008
Administration ended
21 August 2008
Lisa Jane Hogg
Wilson Field Limited The Manor House, 260 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PS
Ceased to act
21 August 2008
David James Elliot
Wilson Field, The Annexe, The Manor House, 260 Eccleshall Road South Sheffield, S11 9PS
Ceased to act
21 August 2008